Cotton Way Candy
Leave it to Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way to create such a cute and versatile pattern. This quick and easy pattern gives you three project options; all using Charm Squares and Moda Candy Squares.
Material Needed
Coasters: 6" x 6"
5: square for background - white
12" square for border and back
8 - Moda Candy Squares or 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" squares
6" x 6" batting
Table Topper or Baby Quilt - 35" x 35"
35 Charm Squares or 5" x 5" squares
1 yard of 44" wide fabric for background (white)
1/3 yard of 44" wide fabric - border (red)
1/4 yard of 44" wide fabric - border (aqua)
1/3 yard of 44" wide fabric - binding (aqua)
1-1/8" yards of 44" wide fabric - back
40" x 40" batting
Cupcake Pin Cushion
8 - Moda Candy Squares of 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" squares
5" square for background - white
5" square for back
1/2 yard of 5/8" rick rack
1 - 3/8" button
1 cup of rice or walnut shells for filler
3-1/2" ramekin (optional)
Pattern shown features Marmalade collection by Bonnie and Camille